Whalton Art Fair

You will find me at Whalton Village Hall near Morpeth for Whalton Art Fair on Sunday 23rd June, 10.30-4pm, with The Tin Shed. Free Entry, Tea and Cake served.


Winter 2023 – Pastels and Paints

Starting the new painting year is always exciting and a little daunting. Its not until I get back into the studio that I can relax and begin to play with the materials that have been waiting for my return.

At the end of the year with the holidays and festivities almost upon us its so easy to simply drop everything from the final art fair into the studio to deal with later however later gets pushed and pushed until its time to clamber over everything and find a space to begin sorting, clearing out and putting away the very things I will need to start the art year again.

My pastels need to come out of their cosy bed made in the pastel tray that lines my studio and the paints need to sorted into colour palette boxes ready to be opened again.

Never mind the brushes that were cleaned and put into drawers and containers or were they? There is always one or even two that manage to escape and reappear looking worse for wear.

Bespoke piece created by Anne James Ceramics specifically for my studio brushes and pastels
Handmade Pastel Tray made by a friends husband for me. I love this tray!

One sorted and tidy I can hit the easel with ideas and play with images that have been sitting in my sketchbook waiting for inspiration to hit and get me into the studio. 

I started the year with a few small pieces which then translated into larger pieces such as ‘Northumberland Coast’ which can be viewed at Woodhorn Museum, Ashington until 8th May. This is the first painting of many for 2023. I look forward to sharing these with you.

Winter at the Coast Acrylic on box canvas artwork

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Copyright Christine Cave Art 2023