Whalton Art Fair

You will find me at Whalton Village Hall near Morpeth for Whalton Art Fair on Sunday 23rd June, 10.30-4pm, with The Tin Shed. Free Entry, Tea and Cake served.


August 2023 Newsletter

As the summer comes to an end it is clear to see the changes in the landscape and in particular the effect the changing light has upon colour and textures.

I have been studying the ways in which the garden has transformed itself and is now quietening down ready for the new season ahead.

As the seasons change my colour palette changes too which in turn makes me look to other materials hiding in my cupboards and drawers.

Over the years I have collected so many different materials and have either tried them once or twice before putting them away for another day and completely forgetting about them or have loved them so much that I have used them exclusively, not giving the other art materials a chance to shine. So I am going to delve deep into the studio boxes and get everything out to try again.

Having a passion for both dry mediums and paints I often combine the two and have thoroughly enjoyed the unexpected outcomes of combining and layering colour, texture and mark making. Don’t be put off from combining pastels and paints as you can fix your finished painting by using a variety of different methods. I have been using a fine spray varnish to seal the pastels and other dry mediums over paints with great results.

These two have been framed under glass after a few coats of satin spray varnish, very pleased with the finish and not something I would have pushed had I not raked about in the cupboards and found so many different materials abandoned there. Just one thing to remember is to lay oil based on top of acrylic rather than the other way around. The first is an acrylic base with soft pastels, etc over the top and the second is a combination of wet and dry soft pastel with acrylic paints and other mediums. Explore and have fun!

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Copyright Christine Cave Art 2023